Dean Dance 2025

P6s & P7s from St George's School, Edinburgh Academy & Merchiston Castle School

1st of February, 2025


St George's Upper School Hall, Garscube Terrace, Edinburgh EH12 6BG


Strictly ticketed in advance - No tickets available at the door


Informal kiltware & tartan inspired

Snack & Drink

Will be provided

Arrive & Leave with a Guardian

At the end of the night you must sign out with a parent/guardian

No Phones Allowed

Ticket Application Form

Complete the following form to apply for tickets

We will check eligibility and then send you details on how to pay

Apply for Tickets

* indicates required
(Please write "None" or "NA" if none apply)
I have read and accept the terms & conditions *

Intuit Mailchimp

Terms & Conditions

The application for a ticket to the Dean Dance and attendance at the Dean Dance is subject to the following terms and conditions:

 1. A ticket will only be issued after we receive full payment in relation to the ticket. Until a ticket is issued under the name of the student, attendance is not guaranteed.

 2. No physical or electronic ticket will be issued upon full payment. The students name will be added to the ticket guest list.

 3. Full payment will be due within 7 days upon issue of payment details sent by email to the parent/guardian listed on the application form. After this period, any unpaid places will be reallocated.

 4. Only the named student will be admitted to the Dean Dance as per the ticket guest list. Tickets are non-transferable. We are unable to provide refunds for cancellations after the ticket has been issued.

 5. Student must be with their parent, guardian or a responsible adult when being signed in at the registration desk at the venue. The student must also be collected by the parent, guardian or a responsible adult from the registration desk at the end of the Dean Dance.

 6. The Dean Dance is a privately run event organised by a voluntary committee of parents from St George’s School, Edinburgh Academy and Merchiston Castle School. These schools are not involved with the Dean Dance. Any queries should be directed at one of the members of the committee.

 7. Profits raised by the sale of tickets to the Dean Dance will be sent to a charity as chosen by the committee.

 8. All students attending the Dean Dance will not be allowed to bring mobile phones or other electronic devices. No responsibility will be taken for any lost items.

 9. There will be no alcohol, smoking or vaping at the Dean Dance.

10. Parent/guardian of the student attending the Dean Dance will not hold the Dean Dance or its committee members liable for any injuries or damages occurring at the Dean Dance.